ICF Core Competencies and PCC Markers:

6. Listens Actively

Core Competency 6: Listens Actively

Definition: Focuses on what the client is and is not saying to fully understand what is being communicated in the context of the client systems and to support client self-expression.

  1. Considers the client’s context, identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs to enhance understanding of what the client is communicating

  2. Reflects or summarises what the client communicated to ensure clarity and understanding

  3. Recognises and inquires when there is more to what the client is communicating

  4. Notices, acknowledges and explores the client’s emotions, energy shifts, non-verbal cues or other behaviours

  5. Integrates the client’s words, tone of voice and body language to determine the full meaning of what is being communicated

  6. Notices trends in the client’s behaviours and emotions across sessions to discern themes and patterns

PCC Markers

  • 6.1: Coach’s questions and observations are customised by using what the coach has learned about who the client is or the client’s situation.

  • 6.2: Coach inquires about or explores the words the client uses.

  • 6.3: Coach inquires about or explores the client’s emotions.

  • 6.4: Coach explores the client’s energy shifts, nonverbal cues or other behaviors.

  • 6.5: Coach inquires about or explores how the client currently perceives themself or their world.

  • 6.6: Coach allows the client to complete speaking without interrupting unless there is a stated coaching purpose to do so.

  • 6.7: Coach succinctly reflects or summarises what the client communicated to ensure the client’s clarity and understanding.

Source: International Coaching Federation (ICF)

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