People with strong Futuristic talents are at their best when they are creating hope by painting the picture of a better future.


A theme in the Strategic Thinking domain of CliftonStrengths

People exceptionally talented in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be. They energize others with their visions of the future.

Full Theme Description

"Wouldn't it be great if ... " You are the kind of person who loves to peer over the horizon. The future fascinates you. As if it were projected on the wall, you see in detail what the future might hold, and this detailed picture keeps pulling you forward, into tomorrow. While the exact content of the picture will depend on your other strengths and interests — a better product, a better team, a better life, or a better world —- it will always be inspirational to you.

You are a dreamer who sees visions of what could be and who cherishes those visions. When the present proves too frustrating and the people around you too pragmatic, you conjure up your visions of the future and they energise you. They can energise others, too. In fact, very often people look to you to describe your visions of the future. They want a picture that can raise their sights and thereby their spirits. You can paint it for them.

Practice. Choose your words carefully. Make the picture as vivid as possible. People will want to latch on to the hope you bring.

This Theme’s Power and Edge

Individuals exceptionally talented in the Futuristic theme are visionaries. Their emotional anticipation and visualisation of a better future can inspire them and others to make their dream a reality. Their vision for tomorrow can push them to new heights.

How People with Strong Futuristic Talents Describe Themselves

  • "I am fascinated with tomorrow."

  • "I need opportunities to talk about the future I see."

  • "I love the inspiration that comes from dreaming."

  • "I hate contentment with the status quo."

  • "I bring previews, predictions and forecasts."

Theme Contrast

Futuristic "I'm so preoccupied with today that I'm not ready for today."
Adaptability "I'm so preoccupied with today that I'm not ready for tomorrow."
Futuristic "I can see a better world."
Strategic "I can see the route that will take us to a better world."

Futuristic: Helps and Hinders


  • You tend to see the future in great detail and are likely able to vividly describe that future. As such, by sharing your vision, you can inspire others to achieve things they never thought possible.

  • By asking questions like "What if …?" or "Wouldn't it be great if …?" you keep yourself and your team moving forward.

  • Your Futuristic talents can be a source of hope and optimism — for yourself and for others. You look ahead to what you and others can become, not wanting to waste time rehashing the mistakes of the past. You learn from the past, of course, but you don't let it inhibit future possibilities.

  • Because you are focused on the future, others might see you as a sounding board or a source of advice. You can help others not only visualize their dreams but see a way toward accomplishing them.


  • You can tend to be so focused on tomorrow that you miss the beauty, wonder and opportunities of today. Be intentional about savoring today -- it will provide fuel for your future dreams.

  • You can tend not to be fully present to the people who are with you -- jumping ahead, anticipating what they are going to say, thinking about the next appointment on your agenda. This can lead others to feel you don't fully value or appreciate them. To mitigate this, try to determine which of your other themes allow you to be present, and leverage those themes when being present is the most important gift you can give someone.

  • If your team is getting ready to deliver a critical milestone, you could derail their progress by jumping in with, "Hey, you know what would be great if we could do it next year?" Your team won't appreciate your timing.

  • The energy and satisfaction you derive from thinking about the future may lead others to perceive you as an impractical, unrealistic dreamer. Help others see not just the end result but a path to get there.

If Futuristic is a Dominant Theme for You, Take Action to Maximise Your Potential

  • Help others anticipate and imagine their future by using your natural anticipation of a better tomorrow to overlook the pain and problems of today.

  • Write down your ideas for the future each week to help clarify your vision.

  • Motivate your colleagues with things that they can do in the future. For example, include some innovative ideas in group meetings, or write your vision for the future and share it with your colleagues.

  • Find a friend or colleague who also shares your Futuristic theme. Set aside an hour a month for discussions about the future. Together you can push each other to include more creativity and detail in your visions.

  • Look for roles that will let you contribute your ideas about the future. For example, you might excel in entrepreneurial or startup situations.

  • Find audiences that will appreciate your ideas for the future. They will expect you to make these ideas a reality, and these expectations will motivate you.

  • Partner with someone with strong Activator talents who will remind you that you do not discover the future, you create it with the actions that you take today.

Potential Blind Spots to Watch Out for

  • Because you live in the future, you may find it difficult to enjoy the present moment. While it will always be important for you to have things to look forward to, don’t overlook opportunities to experience and appreciate where you are now.

  • Some people may dismiss your visions because they can’t see the future like you do. Accept that you must address real issues today to get to a better tomorrow.

If Futuristic Is a Lesser Theme for You

Lacking the intensity of the Futuristic theme doesn’t mean you can’t inspire others or set a direction. It simply means that your vision is generated from other talents.

  • Reflect on times when you had clarity about a goal or direction — either for yourself or for others — and find clues to other talents that inspire or provide direction.

  • When planning, it may be helpful to consider your past successes. Then, stretch your timeline forward to include the future, imagining it as seamlessly connecting to the past and the present.

  • Partner with people who have exceptional Futuristic talents. Consider playing the role of a “vision catcher” — be the first to endorse another’s vision or be the person who brings greater clarity to someone’s initial vision. You might also be a great “vision caster,” one who can effectively refine and communicate the vision.

Source: Gallup®

“My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.”

— Charles Kettering, inventor