People with strong Command talents are at their best when they are providing direction at just the right time and doing it effortlessly.



A theme in the Influencing domain of CliftonStrengths

People exceptionally talented in the Command theme have presence. They can take control of a situation and make decisions.


Full Theme Description

Command leads you to take charge. Unlike some people, you feel no discomfort with imposing your views on others.

On the contrary, once your opinion is formed, you need to share it with others. Once your goal is set, you feel restless until you have aligned others with you. You are not frightened by confrontation; rather, you know that confrontation is the first step toward resolution.

Whereas others may avoid facing up to life's unpleasantness, you feel compelled to present the facts or the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be. You need things to be clear between people and challenge them to be clear-eyed and honest. You push them to take risks. You may even intimidate them. And while some may resent this, labelling you opinionated, they often willingly hand you the reins.

People are drawn toward those who take a stance and ask them to move in a certain direction. Therefore, people will be drawn to you. You have presence. You have Command.


This Theme’s Power and Edge

People with strong Command bring decisiveness and emotional clarity. They have the ability to bring to light what is often avoided or unstated. This gives them the ability to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.


How People with Strong Command Talents Describe Themselves

  • "I am direct and decisive."

  • "I need challenges and conflicts."

  • "I love exerting control in situations that seem out of control."

  • "I hate passivity and avoidance."

  • "I bring emotional clarity."


Theme Contrast

Command Creates clarity through polarization.
Harmony Creates consensus through harmonization.
Command People are drawn to this person because they know what this individual thinks.
Empathy People are drawn to this person because they know that this individual understands how they feel.

Command Helps and Hinders


  • You have a natural ability to inspire and, as such, your words carry weight. Others often will defer to your personality as much as to your expertise or experience.

  • While you may value time alone, you are not a "loner" — you need people; specifically, you need people to follow you. Because you are focused on others, you can be charming in your efforts to gain followers. This quality makes others want to follow your lead.

  • You have a very protective nature — you will stand up and often intimidate those who would threaten your team at work or the people you love and care about.

  • You do not hide from the truth, no matter how unpleasant that might be. This leads you to say out loud what others may only be thinking. You can become the voice of the voiceless.


  • Your Command talents drive you to seek clarity, often through confrontation. Others can see this as intimidating and may even perceive you as a bully. Be careful not to intimidate those you seek to inspire.

  • You are naturally decisive which can cause others to shy away from sharing their insights and ideas. Seek others' points of view before you make a decision.

  • You have an opinion about the way things should be done and are not shy about expressing it. Be careful about imposing your will upon others lest they see you as bossy or arrogant.

  • You are direct and sometimes can offend others without meaning to. Find ways to soften your approach and expand your influence — create an encouraging environment to draw others to follow you.


If Command is a Dominant Theme for You, Take Action to Maximise Your Potential

  • Find roles that will need you to persuade others. Think about whether selling would be a good career or role for you.

  • Practice the words, tone and techniques that will turn your ability to confront into real persuasiveness.

  • Strive to become known as a candid person. Use opportunities to speak plainly and directly about sensitive subjects. Your unwillingness to hide from the truth can become a source of strength and constancy for your colleagues and friends.

  • Help your colleagues and friends make commitments. You can provide the spark that will inspire them to act.

  • Find a cause you believe in and support it. You might discover yourself at your best when defending a cause in the face of resistance.

  • Ask people for their opinions. Sometimes your candour will prove intimidating, causing others to avoid offending you. Watch for this. If necessary, explain that you are candid because it feels uncomfortable to not express yourself, not because you want to frighten other people into silence.

  • Partner with someone with a strong Woo or Empathy theme. You do not need to confront all obstacles; people with Woo or Empathy talents can help you to circumvent obstacles through relationships.


Potential Blind Spots to Watch Out for

  • Your decisiveness and presence can be intimidating, whether you intend them to be or not. Keep that in mind, especially when you have to coach others, deliver feedback and set expectations.

  • Because you speak with authority, you might be used to getting the final word. Consider asking others for their input before sharing yours so they have a chance to contribute.


If Command Is a Lesser Theme for You

Low Command does not equal low leadership ability. Even if you do not relish the conflicts or tough conversations that leadership requires, or if you lack the presence that other leaders convey, you might succeed through your relationships or persuasiveness.

  • Find those among you top themes — such as Belief, Maximizer, Responsibility and Self-Assurance — that provide you with strength and resolve when you need to respond to opposition or resistance.

  • When you encounter disagreements, ask yourself why people see things differently than you. Do they have something to lose? Do they have different information? What underlying values do they hold? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you address their concerns and move them closer to an agreement.

  • You will be at your best when you are prepared for critical conversations. Do your homework in advance by gathering data, factual evidence and others’ perspectives. This will boost your self-esteem and enable you to make compelling points when presenting your viewpoints.


Source: Gallup®



“There is the risk you cannot afford to take, and there is the risk you cannot afford not to take."

Peter Drucker, organisational behaviour theorist